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CIRCLES    The path doesn't always run in a straight line. 

Circles - Sheila Fleming

LIKE A FIRE    Since love is everlasting, we really never lose anyone.

Like A Fire - Sheila Fleming

BETWEEN MY LINES    A homesick loveletter to all I left behind in Minnesota.

Between My Lines - Sheila Fleming

LAY YOUR BURDENS DOWN    It sounds cliche, but this song really did come to me                                  in a dream.  One of those running-in-airport, suitcase-bursting,                                               can-barely-move kind of dreams.  I looked up suitcase in                                                                my dream dictionary.  "See BAGGAGE."  Got it.  

Lay Your Burdens Down - Sheila Fleming

     NOT A CHRISTMAS SONG    It was the week before my first Christmas in the                 South.  85 degrees.  I was so homesick for winter.  Put up the outside

                              lights, wept a bit, drank a cold beer, and then wrote this song.

Not a Christmas Song - Sheila Fleming

    THE TURNING OF A PHRASE     I love singing this song.  My dear                        friend Richard, a clever wordsmith, also knows a thing

                                                           or two about crafting a fine tune.

The Turning of a Phrase - Richard Edwards

TIME IN THE PAST    I work steadfastly to stay in the present.  But a visit to the past does offer the opportunity to change old stories.

Time in the Past - Sheila Fleming
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